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On Going Activities

Capacity building of local actors and the creation of an information centre enables the rural community to make their agricultural practices more sustainable.

  • Training of members from the RM and the 4 Wards in project management

Four days project management training was organized by ARSOW Nepal, Triangle, Foundation de France, AFD and VILLE DE PARIS. Training package had been designed, developed and customized for Local Government Officials of Panchpokhari, Thangpal Gaupalika with the technical support from ISI Nepal.

The main objective of the training is to build the capacity of local government officials of Panchpokhari, Thangpal rural municipality of Sindhupalchowk on managing the project proficiently to bring the most excellent outcomes. Ten participants from local government officials and three from ARSOW-Nepal were participated in the training.

The entire participants cherished the training and gave the remarkable feedback on training delivery, methodologies and content, training management Mr. Jit Ram Lama had a short speech on the completion of training and also shared the vision for Panch Pokhari.

  • Training of technicians from the RM and the 4 Wards in resilient crops and environmental protection
  • OJT and exposure visits for technicians from the RM and the 4 Wards
  • Support of two technical assistants from the RM team

The project is supporting two technicians to support rural municipality for information sharing on agriculture, animal breeding, and agro vet to community people. Now, the community people and other have access to get the information from the technicians easily. To establish this system the rural municipality managed one room for information center in their office and ARSOW-Nepal is going to support for ICE materials.

  • Support in the establishment of an RM level information centre related to agriculture, animal breeding and environmental conservation
  • Capitalization and mapping of agricultural activities – Carrying out of an agrarian diagnosis in the targeted area

The consultant completed the agrarian diagnosis work in Pachpokhari Rural Municipality. Elaboration of maps and documentation work is going on.

  • Mapping of available water resources
Activities under this category include the following.
  • Training of members from the RM and the 4 Wards in project management
  • Support in the establishment and operation of a model farm for the dissemination of organic production methods
  • Training of Leader Farmers in organic production, labeling procedures and marketing methods
  • Support in the acquisition of organic production label
  • Set-up of nurseries for the production of locally adapted seeds

The project is going to sep-up 4 nurseries in 4 wards (wards 3, 4, 5, 6). Need and expectation collection from the community people have been completed. Technical and materials support is going on.

  • Support in the development of the cooperative systems in the 4 Wards

To strengthen of cooperatives in four ward of RM, ARSOW Nepal has selected NACCEFL as a consultant. Two volunteer per cooperative will be supported for management. Initial assessment of 4 cooperatives works is completed and strengthen process of cooperatives is going on.

  • Support in the development of trade channels for the marketing of high added-value productions
  • Support in the establishment of small-scale IGA targeting the most vulnerable
  • Support in the construction of a Collection Centre

To manage the coffee collection and storage centre with ARSOW building, new building construction work is ongoing. Building map has been approved by municipality and construction materials has been delivered and construction process is ongoing. After completion of construction work coffee collection and storage centre will manage in ARSOW building.

  • Support in the development of agro-tourism.
  • Training of local stakeholders in climate change issues

LAPA training is going to conduct in the last of September 2021. Members from RM and wards will be participating in this training.

  • Support in the organization of a seminar on climate change issues at the national level with NFN / network
  • Support to RM in the preparation, dissemination and update of a strategic document for the prevention of climate change effects
  • Support to the Forest Users Committees in the plantation of trees

The project is supporting for audit of forest user committees. Mobilization of FUC members for bio engineering component and reforestation campaign is going on.  Also supporting training for FUC. Elaboration of a list of materials of bio engineering and purchase and deliver work is going on.

  • Conduct awareness sessions in 5 areas
  • BBBS documents are updated annually and shared with communities
  • Technical support at the RM level

The project has selected ASF as a consultant for technical support to RM and wards for secured construction as per BBBS (Build Back Better) strategy. Initial assessment work is going on.

The project has selected ASF as a consultant for technical support to RM and wards for secured construction as per BBBS (Build Back Better) strategy. Initial assessment work is going on.

  • Household Waste Management and Awareness Raising

ARSOW Nepal has been selected Blue Waste to Value as a consultant for WASH component. Five waste management committees are operating in 4 wards. Training session and awareness rising work is ongoing. 4 MRF (Material Recovery Facility) are going to construct in 4 areas. Design of the facilities, procurement of the materials and management of construction works are going on.

  • Support for the creation of a collective biogas pilot project

The project has planned to construct two community biogas in project area. Identification of interested communities, procurement of the materials  process is ongoing.

  • Support for the creation of individual biogas systems

The project has planned to construct 50 bio gas and campaigns programs in 4 wards of RM. Awareness program at the community level, mobilization of community mobilizers / facilitators, Identification of interested households and materials support to HH for the construction work is ongoing.

  • Construction of a pilot project for gender-sensitive public sanitary spaces
  •  Rehabilitation of water supply networks

The project has supporting to 129 households water supply scheme. Technical support and the construction work is ongoing.

  •  Rehabilitation / construction of public and private toilets

The project is supporting to renovate public and school’s toilets in the project area. The construction work process is ongoing.

Capacity Building

Capacity building of local actors and the creation of an information centre enables the rural community to make their agricultural practices more sustainable.

  • Training of members from the RM and the 4 Wards in project management

Four days project management training was organized by ARSOW Nepal, Triangle, Foundation de France, AFD and VILLE DE PARIS. Training package had been designed, developed and customized for Local Government Officials of Panchpokhari, Thangpal Gaupalika with the technical support from ISI Nepal.

The main objective of the training is to build the capacity of local government officials of Panchpokhari, Thangpal rural municipality of Sindhupalchowk on managing the project proficiently to bring the most excellent outcomes. Ten participants from local government officials and three from ARSOW-Nepal were participated in the training.

The entire participants cherished the training and gave the remarkable feedback on training delivery, methodologies and content, training management Mr. Jit Ram Lama had a short speech on the completion of training and also shared the vision for Panch Pokhari.

  • Training of technicians from the RM and the 4 Wards in resilient crops and environmental protection
  • OJT and exposure visits for technicians from the RM and the 4 Wards
  • Support of two technical assistants from the RM team

The project is supporting two technicians to support rural municipality for information sharing on agriculture, animal breeding, and agro vet to community people. Now, the community people and other have access to get the information from the technicians easily. To establish this system the rural municipality managed one room for information center in their office and ARSOW-Nepal is going to support for ICE materials.

  • Support in the establishment of an RM level information centre related to agriculture, animal breeding and environmental conservation
  • Capitalization and mapping of agricultural activities – Carrying out of an agrarian diagnosis in the targeted area

The consultant completed the agrarian diagnosis work in Pachpokhari Rural Municipality. Elaboration of maps and documentation work is going on.

  • Mapping of available water resources
Organic Farming & IGA
Activities under this category include the following.
  • Training of members from the RM and the 4 Wards in project management
  • Support in the establishment and operation of a model farm for the dissemination of organic production methods
  • Training of Leader Farmers in organic production, labeling procedures and marketing methods
  • Support in the acquisition of organic production label
  • Set-up of nurseries for the production of locally adapted seeds

The project is going to sep-up 4 nurseries in 4 wards (wards 3, 4, 5, 6). Need and expectation collection from the community people have been completed. Technical and materials support is going on.

  • Support in the development of the cooperative systems in the 4 Wards

To strengthen of cooperatives in four ward of RM, ARSOW Nepal has selected NACCEFL as a consultant. Two volunteer per cooperative will be supported for management. Initial assessment of 4 cooperatives works is completed and strengthen process of cooperatives is going on.

  • Support in the development of trade channels for the marketing of high added-value productions
  • Support in the establishment of small-scale IGA targeting the most vulnerable
  • Support in the construction of a Collection Centre

To manage the coffee collection and storage centre with ARSOW building, new building construction work is ongoing. Building map has been approved by municipality and construction materials has been delivered and construction process is ongoing. After completion of construction work coffee collection and storage centre will manage in ARSOW building.

  • Support in the development of agro-tourism.
Climate Change
  • Training of local stakeholders in climate change issues

LAPA training is going to conduct in the last of September 2021. Members from RM and wards will be participating in this training.

  • Support in the organization of a seminar on climate change issues at the national level with NFN / network
  • Support to RM in the preparation, dissemination and update of a strategic document for the prevention of climate change effects
  • Support to the Forest Users Committees in the plantation of trees

The project is supporting for audit of forest user committees. Mobilization of FUC members for bio engineering component and reforestation campaign is going on.  Also supporting training for FUC. Elaboration of a list of materials of bio engineering and purchase and deliver work is going on.

Secured Construction
  • Conduct awareness sessions in 5 areas
  • BBBS documents are updated annually and shared with communities
  • Technical support at the RM level

The project has selected ASF as a consultant for technical support to RM and wards for secured construction as per BBBS (Build Back Better) strategy. Initial assessment work is going on.

The project has selected ASF as a consultant for technical support to RM and wards for secured construction as per BBBS (Build Back Better) strategy. Initial assessment work is going on.

Water Sanitation & Hygiene
  • Household Waste Management and Awareness Raising

ARSOW Nepal has been selected Blue Waste to Value as a consultant for WASH component. Five waste management committees are operating in 4 wards. Training session and awareness rising work is ongoing. 4 MRF (Material Recovery Facility) are going to construct in 4 areas. Design of the facilities, procurement of the materials and management of construction works are going on.

  • Support for the creation of a collective biogas pilot project

The project has planned to construct two community biogas in project area. Identification of interested communities, procurement of the materials  process is ongoing.

  • Support for the creation of individual biogas systems

The project has planned to construct 50 bio gas and campaigns programs in 4 wards of RM. Awareness program at the community level, mobilization of community mobilizers / facilitators, Identification of interested households and materials support to HH for the construction work is ongoing.

  • Construction of a pilot project for gender-sensitive public sanitary spaces
  •  Rehabilitation of water supply networks

The project has supporting to 129 households water supply scheme. Technical support and the construction work is ongoing.

  •  Rehabilitation / construction of public and private toilets

The project is supporting to renovate public and school’s toilets in the project area. The construction work process is ongoing.

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