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Integrated Global Reconstruction Programme

The ARSOW-Nepal with the financial support from France-based humanitarian organisation Fondation De France and technical support from Triangle Génération Humanitaire is implementing integrated reconstruction programme in four worst affected remote Village Development Committes from Sindhupalchok district. The programme is targeted in reviving the economic and social lives of the people that was ransacked by April 25, 2015 earthquake and its frequent aftershocks.

The project is being implemented in Thangpaldhap, Thangpalkot, Gunsa and Bhotang VDC’s from the districts directly benefitting around 16,000 people from some 2,700 households. Its thematic working area includes support in reconstruction, community empowerment, livelihood support, development of entrepreneurship, WASH, social mobilisation and local capacity building.

The main objective of the project is to set an example in post disaster reconstruction by not just helping the victims to get back their homes but also connecting them with the income generation activities.

Improvement of the roads, reviving irrigation and drinking water supply, support in agricultural and other livelihood activities, mason  and carpenter trainings targeted to reconstruction, embankment, culvert and small building construction, construction of support walls in the schools and other public places are the major activities that is going on currently.

The four year project that commenced on September 1, 2015, concluded on August 30, 2019.

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