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Coffee Processing Program

Establishment of Coffee Nursery

Coffee is one of the cash corps feasible for hilly area of Nepal. ARSOW has been supporting coffee farmers in value adding activities like processing, collection along with the support from other agencies. ARSOW realize that; production has to be increased to increase the income of farmers in coffee cultivation. So the program supported to established one coffee nursery in Temal RM ward, 2. There is one farmers group committee (15 members) have been formed to run the nursery. 15 HH have been directly benefited from the Nursery   Coffee and vegetable nursery have been established.

Coffee Collection And Storage Centre

To manage the coffee collection ad storage centre with ARSOW building, new building construction work is ongoing. Building map has been approved by municipality and construction materials has been delivered and construction process is ongoing. After completion of construction work coffee collection and storage centre will manage in ARSOW building.


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