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We are finally back into our business

Irrigation is the lifeline for farmers. No irrigation means no production. While we were at the verge of starting the plantation of maize and rice last year the devastating earthquake struck. Our houses turned into rubble, the seeds got buried and a large section of the irrigation cannels supplying water to our field collapsed. On the one hand the plantation was delayed as it took weeks for us to bring our life back to normalcy while there was no water to irrigate land on the others. In addition to that we had lost the seeds in the rubble of our building.

Consequently we had to drop the idea of plantation last year and coming from a farmer family it’s the saddest thing to bear. When ARSOW-Nepal came up with a reconstruction plan aftermath of devastation we requested them to help us with the seeds and repairing of the irrigation canals in the first phase. Finally, Soluburkhe Irrigation Canal that supplies water to our field got back to track few months ago. Similarly, we also got the maize and rice seeds which was pretty good. With all things in place we are expecting for a good yield this year and this is one of happiest moment for numbers of farmers like me.

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